Sunday, May 23, 2010

My hiding spot :o)

May / 10 / 2010
I needed a nap and found a nice shady place and slept for a while.
The next thing I knew, everybody was running around like crazy looking for me.
They were almost panicing because they didn't know were I was.
Well... next time, just look for me BEHIND the big banana down at the lake! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Huhu Manu,

    Oh mein Gott? Habe ich da etwas verpasst? Was zum Teufel hat denn eure Schnüffelnase denn dahinter verloren? Da hatte wohl jemand sein Körbchen gesucht und nicht gefunden und nun musste stattdessen das Schlauchboot herhalten.
    Echt süß und knuffige Idee von eurer Phoe.

    GLG vom Harzrand und Frohe Pfingsten eure Anni
